Cluster members’ list
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Name(s) of the shareholders of the cluster organisation
The shareholders of the cluster organisation::
1. The Chamber of commerce and industry of Alba County
2. The University ”1 December 1918” Alba Iulia
3. The University ”Lucian Blaga” Sibiu
4. The Press Trust UNIREA – Alba Iulia
5. Râul Mare srl Albac
6. Rapel sa Rahău
7. Capitel Proiect srl Alba Iulia
8. Arhis srl Alba Iulia
9. ACR Filiala Alba
10. Aristur srl Arieseni
11. Castelul Templul Cavalerilor
12. Steaua Nordului Alba Iulia
13. Casa Butnarului
14. SEA srl Alba Iulia
15. Comsut srl Alba Iulia
16. Creator srl Alba Iulia
for other members see list